
Emiliana realized that teens and young adults who are fighting a cancer diagnosis face unique challenges. They may need different types of distractions and time specifically set aside to interact with their peer group. At a time when self-image is so important, they lose their hair, gain weight from massive steroids, or cannot keep weight on due to nausea. They also tend to get very exhausted from their treatments. Teens and young adults are also aware of statistics and the concerns about long-term effects of their treatments, and they have deeply insightful questions about their illness- Thanks GOOGLE. In fact, Emiliana's oncologist team was impressed with the number and the substance of the questions she raised. Emiliana was a very involved in making decisions regarding her treatment.
Our fund seeks to meet the immediate needs of teens and families and to honor Emiliana. It is disheartening to realize that only $4 out of every $100 in government research funding goes specifically toward childhood cancer research. Emiliana's biggest pet peeve was "Why doesn't anyone know about my cancer and give money for research?